
Found a new home 02-12-2022 ( in Italy )

Ollie arrived at the perrera in Mazarrón Murciac clearly traumatised by his past.
Strung up by his hunter owner . He has had the most awful start to his young life.
Luckily Ollie could say goodby to the pound and go in foster. In his foster family he slowly learned to trust but his mental recovery will take a while. His physical scars towards humans will hopefully fade.
We will do everything in our power to help Oli forget his past as soon as possible.
After one week we already see less fear in his eyes and he seems to have a good relationship with his new friends.

Birthdate 30/12/2019
Breed Podenco
Size Medium
Passport Yes
Microchipped Yes
Vaccinated Yes
Blood test all clear ( Leish, Erlichia, Anaplasma, Filaria )
Neutered Yes
Dog friendly Yes

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