Found a new home 27-09-2019 ( in Italy )🤗
Arthur and Rudy are 2 brothers who were born at GRA almost a year ago, they come from a litter of 8 puppies. Their mum was a whippet the daddy (s) is unknown, so all puppies had a different pattern and size at birth.
Both their mothers and brothers and sisters have already found their golden basket.
Arthur and his brother are the remaining members of the nest. Although Arthur and Rudy are brothers, they do have different characters.
Arthur: age 11 months
Arthur still has those typical puppy cures. He is very affectionate and often comes to ask for hugs. He is very submissive towards his brother Rudy, but he can stand his ground perfectly with other peers. Arthur likes being in the company of peers of his size or smaller.
Arthur is fully vaccinated, chip / European passport, castration still has to be done. Since Arthur was born at GRA, no blood test happened.
Children: unknown
Cats: yes
Other dogs: yes
Being alone: a few hours
Car: yes
Clean: yes
Any Comments?